Preparing For Dental Implant Surgery? 4 Tips To Help With The Recovery Process

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If you're about to have dental implant surgery, the best time to prepare for the recovery is now. Following surgery, your implants will need time to fuse with your jawbone and gum tissue, which can take time. Planning for your recovery will help you avoid problems that could interfere with the healing process. To help your implants heal properly, here are four steps you should follow while you're recovering.

Take It Easy

After your implant surgery, you'll want to take things slowly for the first few days. It's particularly important that you avoid any type of strenuous activities. Too much physical exertion can cause your mouth to bleed, which will slow down the healing process. For maximum protection, you should rest until your dentist gives you the go-ahead to get back to your normal routine.

Reach for the Ice Packs

After surgery, your face will probably be swollen. You might also notice some bruising, especially along your jawline. To help reduce the swelling and bruising, and to alleviate some of the discomfort, reach for the ice packs. Traditional ice packs can be uncomfortable, however. For a comfortable way of applying ice, try making your own. Fill several gallon-sized resealable plastic bags with 2 cups of water and one cup of rubbing alcohol. Place the baggies in the freezer and leave them there until you need them. The water and rubbing alcohol solution will freeze to soft consistency, which will allow them to form to the contour of your face.

Finish Your Antibiotics

After your surgery, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics for you. If they do, it's important that you finish the entire prescription. You might not realize this, but failing to finish your antibiotics may leave you susceptible to an infection. Unfortunately, if you develop an infection after being on antibiotics, the infection may be resistant to treatment. Protect yourself against post-operative infection by taking all your medication as prescribed by your dentist.

Know the Warning Signs

After your dental implant surgery, you should keep track of possible complications, including post-operative infection. Some warning signs you should be aware of include:

  • Increased bleeding
  • Severe pain
  • Foul smelling discharge
  • Fever

If you develop any of those warning signs, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.

If you're about to have dental implant surgery at an office like Oral Surgery Associates Inc, be prepared for the recovery period. In addition to the post-operative instructions provided by your dentist, use the tips provided above to help you avoid problems during your recovery. 
