
Useful Advice For Seeing An Orthodontist For Braces

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If you have crooked teeth, then one of the best treatments for this problem is braces. You’ll need to see an orthodontist to get them, which won’t be hard to deal with if you remember this advice. Start With an Initial Consultation Before you pick out a brace option and start planning for treatment, it’s important to first consult with an orthodontist after you find the right fit. This initial consultation will help you figure out a lot of important things.…

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2 Reasons You Should See an Emergency Dentist after Breaking One of Your Teeth

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After being struck by an object to your face or falling down, you may have discovered that one of your teeth is broken. You may have even tried to treat the tooth at home by rinsing with salt water and taking an over-the-counter pain reliever to help with the pain. However, even if you treat the symptoms, the broken enamel on the tooth can still cause problems if you do not have it treated right away.…

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5 Things To Expect During A Dental Cleaning

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It’s normal to have a bit of dental anxiety, but it may be greater than usual if it’s been a few years since you scheduled a routine cleaning. Knowing what to expect can help set your mind at ease so that the visit is pleasant rather than stressful.  1. Oral Exam The visit will begin with an oral exam. This is a non-invasive and primarily visual examination. Your dentist will use a dental mirror and a small pick to check your teeth and gums for signs of infection or cavities.…

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Signs You Need Restorative Dentistry

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Do you need to have your oral health fully restored? There are several reasons to have a dentist do a complete restorative dentistry effort on your smile to help benefit your overall oral health as well as your physical health. Restorative dentistry has to do with repairing damage caused by tooth decay, gum disease, injury to a tooth, genetic and oral deformities, and other conditions. If you feel you need to have some restorative dental care done on your smile, speak to a dentist right away.…

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Keeping Your Teeth White While Wearing Clear Aligners

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It can be challenging to keep your white during orthodontic treatment—particularly if you wear traditional braces. These have brackets actually bonded to the surface of each tooth, obstructing your access and making it demanding to clean teeth, let alone whiten them. But what about clear teeth aligners? Are there any special considerations for keeping your teeth white while wearing clear aligners? Unclear Aligners It’s important to keep things clear. Your aligners mustn’t be allowed to become discolored.…

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Easy Ways To Maintain Your Dental Implant

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Dental implants function like natural teeth. Surprisingly, most people can’t differentiate a dental implant from a natural tooth. And although dental implants are synthetic teeth, you still have to take care of them. So, if you are to have a dental implant, take care of it by following these practices. Brush and Floss Often  You should always treat your dental implants like natural teeth. And that means you should brush your teeth as usual.…

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The Important Things To Know About Dental Implants

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Sometimes life interferes with the ability to take proper care of teeth, such as experiencing depression or something similar that interferes with self-care. For example, if someone is depressed, he or she might go through long bouts of not brushing his or her teeth. If you have recovered from depression and want to get your teeth back in a good condition, dental implants might be the ideal resolution if your natural teeth cannot be saved.…

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Are You Ready For Your Dental Implants? Here Is How You Can Prepare Yourself

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Getting a little nervous about your approaching dental implant procedure is understandable. But with some preparation, you can put this anxiety and worry behind you. One of the ways of preparing yourself is to ask your general dentist as many questions as possible and understand what to expect. In addition, below are other steps to ensure a smooth dental implant procedure and the best results.  1. Buy Enough Soft Foods and Drinks…

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3 Practical Options For A Knocked Out Tooth

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Sometimes adults lose a tooth because it is knocked out. Car accidents, sports injuries, and poor dental health can unexpectedly force a tooth out of your mouth. You are not alone. Millions of teeth are knocked out every year. Fortunately, you have options if a tooth is suddenly gone that allow you to continue to eat and chew normally. Read on to learn about these three practical options for a knocked-out tooth.…

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The Effects Of Sugar Substitutes On Your Teeth And Body

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Are you trying to take steps to avoid causing damage to your teeth and lowering your sugar intake? If so, you may be replacing these sugars with a sugar substitute. Are these sugar substitutes any better for your teeth though? Here is what you need to know about the impact that they can have on your teeth. Know The Difference Between Sugar Substitutes If you are looking at the overall effect of using a sugar substitute and how it impacts the health of your teeth, know that they are better for you than consuming sugar.…

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